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From the Decatur Daily: Historic move of Judge Horton house to continue Saturday

Oct. 7—In a move of historic proportions, the transport of Judge James Horton's home began Thursday and will continue into Decatur on Saturday night, where it is slated to become part of a civil rights museum.

Hollis Kennedy House Movers split the 3,960-square-foot, eight-bedroom Horton home into two pieces. The Athens company then moved the home from its longtime location in Greenbrier starting Thursday morning.

Judge James Horton was the judge in the second trial of the Scottsboro Boys case in 1933. The trial was in Decatur. The move is expected to cost $1.44 million with Decatur paying $888,774 of the expense. State Rep. Parker Moore, R-Hartselle, obtained $200,000 in state funding for the move and the Limestone County Commission allocated $56,000 for clearing the rights of way along Garrett Road, part of the route the house took. Read more.

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